## Function: COMMON-LISP:PPRINT-NEWLINE [![package](https://img.shields.io/badge/Package-COMMON--LISP-5f9ea0.svg?style=social&colorA=999999)](../) [![type](https://img.shields.io/badge/Type-Function-5f9ea0.svg?style=social&colorA=999999)](../#function) [![clhs](https://img.shields.io/badge/CLHS-PPRINT--NEWLINE-5f9ea0.svg?style=social&colorA=999999)](http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_ppr_nl.htm) [![github](https://img.shields.io/badge/GitHub-View_the_source-5f9ea0.svg?style=social&colorA=999999&logo=github)](https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/src/code/pprint.lisp/) > Output a conditional newline to STREAM (which defaults to > *STANDARD-OUTPUT*) if it is a pretty-printing stream, and do > nothing if not. KIND can be one of: > :LINEAR - A line break is inserted if and only if the immediately > containing section cannot be printed on one line. > :MISER - Same as LINEAR, but only if ``miser-style'' is in effect. > (See *PRINT-MISER-WIDTH*.) > :FILL - A line break is inserted if and only if either: > (a) the following section cannot be printed on the end of the > current line, > (b) the preceding section was not printed on a single line, or > (c) the immediately containing section cannot be printed on one > line and miser-style is in effect. > :MANDATORY - A line break is always inserted. > When a line break is inserted by any type of conditional newline, any > blanks that immediately precede the conditional newline are omitted > from the output and indentation is introduced at the beginning of the > next line. (See PPRINT-INDENT.) ### Lambda list ```cl (sb-pretty::kind &optional stream) ```