package type clhs github

Compile INPUT-FILE, producing a corresponding fasl file and returning its filename.

:PRINT If true, a message per non-macroexpanded top level form is printed to STANDARD-OUTPUT. Top level forms that whose subforms are processed as top level forms (eg. EVAL-WHEN, MACROLET, PROGN) receive no such message, but their subforms do.

As an extension to ANSI, if :PRINT is :top-level-forms, a message per top level form after macroexpansion is printed to STANDARD-OUTPUT. For example, compiling an IN-PACKAGE form will result in a message about a top level SETQ in addition to the message about the IN-PACKAGE form’ itself.

Both forms of reporting obey the SB-EXT:COMPILER-PRINT-VARIABLE-ALIST.

:BLOCK-COMPILE Though COMPILE-FILE accepts an additional :BLOCK-COMPILE argument, it is not currently supported. (non-standard)

:TRACE-FILE If given, internal data structures are dumped to the specified file, or if a value of T is given, to a file of *.trace type derived from the input file name. (non-standard)

:EMIT-CFASL (Experimental). If true, outputs the toplevel compile-time effects of this file into a separate .cfasl file.

Lambda list

(sb-c::input-file &key sb-c::output-file (:verbose *compile-verbose*)
 (:print *compile-print*) sb-c::external-format sb-c::trace-file
 (:block-compile sb-c::*block-compile-arg*) sb-c::emit-cfasl)