package type clhs

DEFINE-CONDITION Name (Parent-Type) (Slot-Spec) Option* Define NAME as a condition type. This new type inherits slots and its report function from the specified PARENT-TYPEs. A slot spec is a list of: (slot-name :reader :initarg {Option Value}*

The DEFINE-CLASS slot options :ALLOCATION, :INITFORM, [slot] :DOCUMENTATION and :TYPE and the overall options :DEFAULT-INITARGS and [type] :DOCUMENTATION are also allowed.

The :REPORT option is peculiar to DEFINE-CONDITION. Its argument is either a string or a two-argument lambda or function name. If a function, the function is called with the condition and stream to report the condition. If a string, the string is printed.

Condition types are classes, but (as allowed by ANSI and not as described in CLtL2) are neither STANDARD-OBJECTs nor STRUCTURE-OBJECTs. WITH-SLOTS and SLOT-VALUE may not be used on condition objects.

Lambda list

(sb-kernel::name (&rest sb-kernel::parent-types) (&rest sb-kernel::slot-specs) &body