package type github

Calls the designated FUNCTION with each frame on the call stack. Returns the last value returned by FUNCTION.

COUNT is the number of frames to backtrace, defaulting to BACKTRACE-FRAME-COUNT.

START is the number of the frame the backtrace should start from.

FROM specifies the frame relative to which the frames are numbered. Possible values are an explicit SB-DI:FRAME object, and the keywords :CURRENT-FRAME, :INTERRUPTED-FRAME, and :DEBUGGER-FRAME. Default is :DEBUGGER-FRAME.

:CURRENT-FRAME specifies the caller of MAP-BACKTRACE.

:INTERRUPTED-FRAME specifies the first interrupted frame on the stack (typically the frame where the error occurred, as opposed to error handling frames) if any, otherwise behaving as :CURRENT-FRAME.

:DEBUGGER-FRAME specifies the currently debugged frame when inside the debugger, and behaves as :INTERRUPTED-FRAME outside the debugger.

Lambda list

(function &key sb-debug::start sb-debug::from count)