Calls the designated FUNCTION with each frame on the call stack. Returns the last value returned by FUNCTION.
COUNT is the number of frames to backtrace, defaulting to BACKTRACE-FRAME-COUNT.
START is the number of the frame the backtrace should start from.
FROM specifies the frame relative to which the frames are numbered. Possible values are an explicit SB-DI:FRAME object, and the keywords :CURRENT-FRAME, :INTERRUPTED-FRAME, and :DEBUGGER-FRAME. Default is :DEBUGGER-FRAME.
:CURRENT-FRAME specifies the caller of MAP-BACKTRACE.
:INTERRUPTED-FRAME specifies the first interrupted frame on the stack (typically the frame where the error occurred, as opposed to error handling frames) if any, otherwise behaving as :CURRENT-FRAME.
:DEBUGGER-FRAME specifies the currently debugged frame when inside the debugger, and behaves as :INTERRUPTED-FRAME outside the debugger.
Lambda list¶
(function &key sb-debug::start sb-debug::from count)