Print a listing of the call stack to STREAM, defaulting to DEBUG-IO.
COUNT is the number of frames to backtrace, defaulting to BACKTRACE-FRAME-COUNT.
START is the number of the frame the backtrace should start from.
FROM specifies the frame relative to which the frames are numbered. Possible values are an explicit SB-DI:FRAME object, and the keywords :CURRENT-FRAME, :INTERRUPTED-FRAME, and :DEBUGGER-FRAME. Default is :DEBUGGER-FRAME.
:CURRENT-FRAME specifies the caller of PRINT-BACKTRACE.
:INTERRUPTED-FRAME specifies the first interrupted frame on the stack (typically the frame where the error occured, as opposed to error handling frames) if any, otherwise behaving as :CURRENT-FRAME.
:DEBUGGER-FRAME specifies the currently debugged frame when inside the debugger, and behaves as :INTERRUPTED-FRAME outside the debugger.
If PRINT-THREAD is true (default), backtrace is preceded by printing the thread object the backtrace is from.
If PRINT-FRAME-SOURCE is true (default is false), each frame is followed by printing the currently executing source form in the function responsible for that frame, when available. Requires the function to have been compiled at DEBUG 2 or higher. If PRINT-FRAME-SOURCE is :ALWAYS, it also reports “no source available” for frames for which were compiled at lower debug settings.
METHOD-FRAME-STYLE (defaulting to METHOD-FRAME-STYLE), determines how frames corresponding to method functions are printed. Possible values are :MINIMAL, :NORMAL, and :FULL. See METHOD-FRAME-STYLE for more information.
If EMERGENCY-BEST-EFFORT is true then try to print as much information as possible while navigating and ignoring possible errors.
Lambda list¶
(&key stream sb-debug::start sb-debug::from count sb-debug::print-thread
sb-debug::print-frame-source sb-debug::method-frame-style sb-debug::emergency-best-effort)