package type

Specifies behavior when redefining a package using DEFPACKAGE and the definition is in variance with the current state of the package.

The value should be of the form:

(:WARN [T | packages-names] :ERROR [T | package-names])

specifying which packages get which behaviour – with T signifying the default unless otherwise specified. If default is not specified, :WARN is used.

:WARN keeps as much state as possible and causes SBCL to signal a full warning.

:ERROR causes SBCL to signal an error when the variant DEFPACKAGE form is executed, with restarts provided for user to specify what action should be taken.


(setf on-package-variance ‘(:warn (:swank :swank-backend) :error t))

specifies to signal a warning if SWANK package is in variance, and an error otherwise.


(:warn t)