package type

List of all available output routines. Each element is a list of the element-type output, the kind of buffering, the function name, and the number of bytes per element.


((character :none sb-impl::output-char-none-buffered 1 nil)
 (character :line sb-impl::output-char-line-buffered 1 nil)
 (character :full sb-impl::output-char-full-buffered 1 nil)
 ((unsigned-byte 8) :none sb-impl::output-unsigned-byte-none-buffered 1 nil)
 ((unsigned-byte 8) :full sb-impl::output-unsigned-byte-full-buffered 1 nil)
 ((signed-byte 8) :none sb-impl::output-signed-byte-none-buffered 1 nil)
 ((signed-byte 8) :full sb-impl::output-signed-byte-full-buffered 1 nil)
 ((unsigned-byte 16) :none sb-impl::output-unsigned-short-none-buffered 2 nil) ..)