Acquire MUTEX for the current thread. If WAITP is true (the default) and the mutex is not immediately available, sleep until it is available.
If TIMEOUT is given, it specifies a relative timeout, in seconds, on how long GRAB-MUTEX should try to acquire the lock in the contested case.
If GRAB-MUTEX returns T, the lock acquisition was successful. In case of WAITP being NIL, or an expired TIMEOUT, GRAB-MUTEX may also return NIL which denotes that GRAB-MUTEX did -not- acquire the lock.
- GRAB-MUTEX is not interrupt safe. The correct way to call it is:
WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS is necessary to avoid an interrupt unwinding the call while the mutex is in an inconsistent state while ALLOW-WITH-INTERRUPTS allows the call to be interrupted from sleep.
:timeout 0.0) differs from (GRAB-MUTEX :waitp nil) in that the former may signal a DEADLINE-TIMEOUT if the global deadline was due already on entering GRAB-MUTEX. The exact interplay of GRAB-MUTEX and deadlines are reserved to change in future versions.
- It is recommended that you use WITH-MUTEX instead of calling GRAB-MUTEX directly.
Lambda list¶
(sb-thread:mutex &key sb-thread::waitp sb-thread::timeout)