package type github

Suspend current thread until THREAD exits. Return the result values of the thread function.

If THREAD does not exit within TIMEOUT seconds and DEFAULT is supplied, return two values: 1) DEFAULT 2) :TIMEOUT. If DEFAULT is not supplied, signal a JOIN-THREAD-ERROR with JOIN-THREAD-PROBLEM equal to :TIMEOUT.

If THREAD does not exit normally (i.e. aborted) and DEFAULT is supplied, return two values: 1) DEFAULT 2) :ABORT. If DEFAULT is not supplied, signal a JOIN-THREAD-ERROR with JOIN-THREAD-PROBLEM equal to :ABORT.

If THREAD is the current thread, signal a JOIN-THREAD-ERROR with JOIN-THREAD-PROBLEM equal to :SELF-JOIN.

Trying to join the main thread causes JOIN-THREAD to block until TIMEOUT occurs or the process exits: when the main thread exits, the entire process exits.

NOTE: Return convention in case of a timeout is experimental and subject to change.

Lambda list

(sb-thread:thread &key sb-thread::default sb-thread::timeout)